Student entrepreneurs always look for support and new technologies to support their startup ideas. Many corporates and big players come forward from time to time to give back to society and help these students in their career journey.

Important Free Tools for Student Entrepreneurs –

  • Microsoft Team: It helps your team remain connected seamlessly. Though was a paid service earlier. Microsoft has decided to give it for free due to Covid-19 impacts on startups.
  • Github Student Pack: This is an awesome combo of free tools and services to help students explore some top-notch services for free. A few important ones are – Free domain name from, free hosting from DO, $100 credits from AWS, free $100 credits from Azure, Canva’s 12 months pro plan for free, Email Marketing from Sendgrid with 15000 emails per month for free, Stripe Payment Gateway free for first $1000 and more. All these benefits are more than enough for any student to kickstart their entrepreneurship journey.
  • This is called the Founders Hub. Different people are connected on this platform for different reasons. Some for gaining more connections, Some for finding relevant customers/ beta testers for their products, and some for gaining traction and exposure for their products. Big players often list their products / SAAS for free here to give back to the community. You can find free trials of various useful tools and services on this platform.
  • Shopify 90 Days free Trial – If you wish to launch your e-commerce store or want to test out some e-commerce venture without paying much, this is going to be a wonderful deal.
  • Loom: Free video recording and sharing service for teachers and students at K-12 schools, universities, and educational institutions. They have also removed the recording limit on free plans and have cut the price for Loom Pro in half. They have done so in response to Covid-19 Combat.
  • Befree: Helps design beautiful and responsive email templates
  • ArtofEmails: This helps you formulate your cold email outreach templates and follow-up series.
  • Zoho: It is a complete suite of tools for Online office connectivity. They provide custom email addresses, CRM, Documents editors, and a lot more. Their free plan can get you started for upto 10 users without any charge.
  • Hubspot: It is an amazing CRM. You can use it to maintain your prospects here along with minute details. It helps in follow-up, Lead scoring, Leads management. They provide a lifetime free plan for their CRM.
  • Calendly: Allow people to schedule meetings with you. It has integration with top Video Conferencing software and calendars. People can click on the link, choose an available time slot and fix a meeting with you.
  • Hootsuite: Free access for Hootsuite Professional to small businesses and nonprofits until July 1st, 2020. Helping to manage social media, and stay connected with your customers and communities.

I hope this list of tools and services will help you kickstart your journey to entrepreneurship.

Gaining Skills is much important. And nothing can be better in terms of learning than doing an internship. A good internship gives you a glimpse of how businesses work, and how people deal incorporates, and at the same time you gain the skillset. Basis the same learning, you can start applying for Jobs or finding some freelance gigs on the internet.

Finding Good Internship Opportunities

I hope you like this article. Stay tuned for more valuable tips and tricks in the future.

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